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When do SPX options trade?

When do SPX options trade?

CBOE offers regular and global trading hours for S&P 500 Index options (SPX) which are used globally for broad market exposure. The Sensa Investments algorithms on our SPX based products run during regular trading hours from 8:30 AM to 3.00 PM Chicago time.

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How to Use the Sensa Investments API

How to Use the Sensa Investments API

As a subscriber you will be granted access to the Sensa Investments API (application programming interface). While you will of course also receive trade instructions via email and have access to current investment recommendations via your account dashboard the API gives you more flexibility to access current position data for each of our products.

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Option Greeks Explained

Option Greeks Explained

“Option greeks” is a term used in the options market to describe the different dimensions of risk involved in taking an options position. These variables are called Greeks because they are typically associated with Greek symbols. Each risk variable is a result of an imperfect assumption or relationship of the option with another underlying variable.

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