When do SPX options trade?

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SPX Options Trading Hours

CBOE offers regular and global trading hours for S&P 500 Index options (SPX) which are used globally for broad market exposure.

The table below summaries the trading hours for SPX options:

Time ZoneGlobal Trading Hours (Mon-Fri)Regular Trading Hours (Mon-Fri)
Chicago2:00 AM – 8.15 AM8:30 AM – 3.15 PM
London8:00 AM – 2.15 PM2:30 PM – 9.15 PM
Zurich9:00 AM – 3.15 PM3:30 PM – 10.15 PM
Hong Kong4:00 PM – 10.15 PM10:30 PM – 5.15 AM (next day)

Trading hours are determined by the time in Chicago. Note that Daylight Savings Time (DST) procedures vary by country and will affect the times shown here. Chicago typically “Springs ahead” before London and Zurich, and “Falls behind” after London and Zurich. DST is not observed in Hong Kong.

For more detail on CBOE’s global trading hours please see this document.

Sensa Investments “Trading Hours”

Our algorithms on our SPX based products run during regular trading hours from 8:30 AM to 3.00 PM Chicago time (Central Time). The benefit of running algorithms during global trading hours is outweighed by lower liquidity during global trading hours. We run the trading algorithms until 3:00 PM Chicago Time (15 minutes before the end of regular trading hours) to give our clients a realistic chance to execute a trade before market close should a trading alert signal be issued at 3:00 PM.

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