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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sensa Investments?

Sensa Investments is a financial content portal offering actionable investment strategies based on investment algorithms enhanced with machine learning.

Sensa Investments is not an investment advisor or Broker/Dealer. We are an educational site and we do not engage in transactions or provide any investment advice or strategy. No information on the site constitutes the sale, purchase or recommendation of any security.

We would like to stress the second part of our name ‘Investments’. We consider ourselves investors first and traders second. All our products are based on a long-term investment horizon and we do not engage in or recommend short term highly volatile trading strategies offering outsized (and unrealistic) short term gains.

How do I use your products?

After you sign up to a product you will start receiving trade instructions by email when our investments algorithms find it favourable to close out existing positions and open a new position. You then simply need to follow the instructions given in order to use the product.

In addition to email instructions, we also offer an application programming interface (API) where you can request information directly utilizing your favourite programming language (we use Python for our own scripts) and implement in your own trading scripts/strategies.

You can also always log in to your account on our website and click the link in your dashboard to your subscription where the current investment recommendation will be shown.

If you don’t have a lot of prior knowledge trading options, we strongly recommend that you paper trade them for a couple of months until you feel comfortable enough undertaking the trades in your own account.

What are the differences between the different risk profiles you offer?

The main (but not only) difference is the implied leverage (the number of options written for specific level of collateral) which result in smaller drawdowns and less volatility for the more conservative products but conversely also in lower historic and expected returns.

What is the minimum account size needed to follow the product?

The minimum collateral required depends on product you decide to subscribe to but start at around US$150,000 if you decide to utilize traditional SPX options. However, you can also choose to utilize S&P mini-options (XSP) which trade at a 10 times smaller multiplier compared to SPX options and thus the minimum collateral required to follow the product is consequently also 10 times lower or around US$15,000.

The trade alerts will be based on regular SPX options. So, to implement the strategy, exactly as presented in the trade alerts, the minimum recommended collateral requirement is around $150,000. Again, as the underlier between traditional SPX options and XSP mini-options is exactly the same (S&P 500 index) the strategy can be implemented in smaller accounts as well.

How much time do I need to commit to follow the strategy?

Our products are long term investment strategies and we attempt to maximize returns while keeping trading frequency relatively limited. Historically our trading algorithms have resulted in trade instructions on average once every three weeks.

In other words, you should be able to follow the strategy with a relatively limited time commitment.

How should I invest my collateral allocated to the strategy?

You are of course free to invest your collateral as you please and it also depends on what proportion of your overall wealth you are allocating to our products. In all circumstances we recommend that you invest it very conservatively.

All our products assume that the collateral is invested in 1 month T-Bills but depending on your risk appetite and return aspirations you may consider investing slightly less conservatively.

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